
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Life is about Greatness

 This is a continuation of my previous post "Retain your Identity like Water"

Life will find your replacement. Make no mistake about 'why' you are here. You are here to serve a specific purpose in the name of life. But if you fail to 'deliver', life will simply, replace you.

If you are not living up to your 'job requirements' that are stipulated for the position you were 'hired for', then you will be replaced by another who will. Because yes you are, indeed, replaceable.

And unfortunately, 'not having been aware' of what was exactly expected of you, is no excuse. It was part of your job to find out. You were supposed to work hard, and perform, and prove yourself worthy of the position. Just like you would with any job really.

So why is it that, when it comes to process, and life, and our potential, we don't treat it with the same 'importance'? Believing that somehow, it is something that will be 'given' to us, and we don't really have to try that hard.

Or perhaps that is simply our approach to anything. To never put our everything into anything. To only do 'the bare minimum', just to 'get by'. To just go for 'good enough', rather than 'greatness'. And, fair enough, that's kind of the preprogramming. To only strive to be 'good enough'. 'Just make sure that you are part of things, and that you keep your head down, and you'll be fine.'

But, if you want to be part of LIFE, that preprogramming doesn't work. Life is about greatness, or nothing at all. There is no 'good enough'. Either you are the 'best that you can possibly be', or you are 'worthless'. And which one you're going to be is entirely up to you, and the effort you're willing to put in.

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