Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What does it mean to truly care for others?

This is a continuation of the previous post "Making Beingness Potential Real".

The decision and resolve to 'get to know other beings' through using colors came from a place of seeing and realizing that I have a tendency to exist in ego, as in be very self-involved, self-conscious and self-centered in how I think. Where, I'm just often thinking about myself and 'who I am', spending a lot of time creating illusions essentially in the mind wherein I am basically separating myself from my actual reality - from other people.

I realized that with starting to do color sessions with people I was finally getting to know the people in my reality on a real level. I finally felt like I could 'relate', just with seeing a bit deeper than the surface. Oftentimes when I'd test out colors for someone and I'd have a session with them, all the ego bullshit fell away as I could see that on the inside they were "just like me". It's easy to compare and compete and create illusions about who I am and who others are when all you see is just the outside picture presentation - which never represents who someone really is inside.

I mean my entire life I've pretty much existed on that 'ego' level. Never really interacting much with people. Rather choosing to separate myself somehow from the larger group and so spending a lot of time 'on my own'. It's really only now that I am starting to lift that veil and am starting to comprehend that reality is so much more than that and that I have actually been missing out on so much. Turns out there is so much more than 'me' lol

In a way it's surprising and weird that that green beingness color that I had a look at in the previous post tested out for me, considering that it's the complete opposite of this ego-programming that I've been living in my life. With that color's signature expression it's the complete reverse. Within that beingness expression, there is no 'me' in that there is only an eternal care for others - no, for ALL others. For everything that is and makes up this world and reality. There is zero self-involvedness, zero self-centeredness.

It feels like that is far removed from where I am at now but at least it gives me a 'goal' to move towards. And in the meantime, I am asking myself, "What does it actually really mean to be self-less?" What does it mean to give all of myself to care for others? I feel like I don't even have a reference point for that within myself because I've just never done that. Yet, at the same time when I saw the beingness color, my initial response was, "makes sense", like on some level I do recognize that that is 'me', just on a really, really deep level.

So I'd say that a place for me to start changing from this ego-programming and move towards living the beingness color, is to apply more self-honesty and humbleness.

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