Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sharing is caring

 Ok so this has been a bit of a 'tough delivery' lol, in terms of me starting to write and share myself again. And the thing is that I don't like to share when there is something 'off' about my starting point - when I get that wrought and disturbing kind of sense that I'm doing it for the wrong reasons or that there is just some point there that maybe I can't quite put my finger on but that's showing me that ah, ok it's not my 'pure' expression so to speak. I'm trying to maneuver or manipulate or control a particular point in my reality. But then the problem sort of becomes that I continue holding back, being 'shy' about my expression, to not share, not write, not express, and I become more and more reclusive and isolated - which is obviously also not a solution.

And as it turns out, I seem to have quite a bit of such 'dishonesties', as in hidden misalignments in my starting point, when it comes to my expression. So my 'solution' has been that 'ok well I just won't express myself at all anymore then'. Like 'if I don't do anything, I can't do any harm either'. But then I only end up hiding the points rather than really addressing and resolving or directing them. Because, the solution to the problem of 'expression', is also 'expression'. Even though I may not yet be aware of what all those misaligned points are, what the dishonesties are, who I am and how and why I am within my expression, that shouldn't necessarily keep me from expressing myself. 

It's more like, Ok I've been hiding myself. Hiding the 'truth' of myself so to speak. The fact that yes, I'm not 'pure' and I got a lot of shit going on. A lot of unresolved, undirected points that I haven't been changing - also interestingly due to not expressing them, not being honest and open and real about them with the world as me. Because that has in a way been my process, to I guess come out of hiding and accept myself and allow myself to express and share and be open about who I am and basically what all is there within me that I've been convincing myself I must hide and judge and stuff away, far away from anyone else to see.

I mean it's something I used to enjoy about process in fact, the 'radical honesty' within sharing openly all that is there, that is generally hidden. To allow it all to finally 'breathe', to no longer judge and to be like 'yes it's all nasty shit and the tendency is to want to hide and cover it up and keep up some kind of appearance but look it's what's here, it's reality, and that's OK in some way. At least it's Ok to look at it and be open and honest about it because it's things that we can change as long as there is that honesty and investigation and doing what it takes to change'. One of those things being writing and sharing about that process. Or at least for me it begins with writing, as a way of saying 'Ok well I know there's a lot of 'hidden' stuff and there's a lot of programming there to keep the hiding in place, but I'm at least taking steps in the direction of changing that. I'm at least standing up and doing what makes sense to me, rather than keeping the truth hidden just cause it seems that that's just what you do in this world'.

So seems I got a little 'off course' at some point, going more into hiding than openness and sharing. More into excuses, justifications, beliefs around why openness and sharing is bad and hiding is good. Why 'brutal' or radical honesty is to be avoided and why one must rather choose to be hidden behind layers and layers of fear basically - all the while making the truth of oneself more and more complicated, until honesty seems an impossible thing.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Words of Bernard Poolman - by Kim amourette

  This blog post is kind of in response to, or to add to, some discussion that’s opened up recently involving essentially ‘the words of Bernard Poolman’ and how there is such a trap of how his words can be used as a sort of gospel, where they are basically not questioned or verified according to one’s own living and experience but more used in the context of, ‘well he said that so it must be how it is’.

And I feel called upon to share my perspective because this is a trap I myself have fallen into to be sure. And in a way, from my perspective, given the way us humans are programmed on a mind-level, it’s very unlikely for any person to not fall into this trap, unless you’ve already prepared yourself throughout your lifetime to have a very strong sense of who you are when it comes to information, authority, the world system and your environment in general. I personally have not had that background. I’ve been extremely susceptible to influence, suggestion, instruction and just overall brainwashing lol, and it’s taken me years of walking my process to even arrive at this realization.

I’d even say that much of my process has been about taking the things Bernard has said to me or statements he’s made in general, which I’ve been using as guidelines on ‘how to properly walk my process’, and finding out who I actually am within it.  Learning how to be my own person and see things through my own eyes. Learning how to not religiously follow beliefs/statements/ideas, but becoming my own tool or means of assessment and discernment of what’s actually real.

There’s been a few things that stood out for me in terms of what he’s told me which, looking back on it now, actually just ended up creating more confusion and conflict in me than anything. A prime example is when on one occasion he said to me, “you just need to accept yourself”, but then in another instance told me that “you’ll be rejected by life if you dishonor yourself” lol. I just think that’s particularly funny, reading that again, because that one did such a number on my brain that I often think that probably if he had just not said anything to me I would have had a better shot of figuring this stuff out on my own sooner. Or rather, what he said in a way only pushed me, through the conflict it created in me, to realize that what he said doesn’t actually matter. Whether that was intentional from his side or not, I’ll never be able to verify, and in a way I’m thankful for the conflict because yes it did and still does continue to just push me to that point of saying, “you know what, fuck this lol. Screw following this information and trying to live by it and trying to be good and do the right thing. I’m here and I define me, not this stuff that I’ve been holding on to in my head cause it’s what I’ve been told at some point or another.”

Because at the end of the day I’ve found that what matters is just that I live and apply the tools, that I learn to trust myself and through testing and trying things out, learn for myself what life is all about. I have to admit that I had such a ‘religion-oriented’ mind-set that I automatically created a doctrine out of things that were said. I wasn’t even aware that I was doing it, and I have never consciously been ‘religious’. This is just unconscious mind preprogramming related to cultural/genetic history having unconscious influences in the way that I was brought up as well. I mean, no one can show you this stuff, in terms of how your mind picks things up and interprets information according to unconscious structures that have formed and I also don’t yet see all of it. But what I do see is from what I’ve been able to realize for myself, not because of what I’ve been told.

That’s just my personal experience when it comes to ‘the things Bernard Poolman said’ and how I’ve realized that, like with anything, it must be questioned and referenced to your own self-developed understanding of things and shouldn’t be used as a gospel to live by. The message has always been clear: sort yourself out by walking your process, using the tools, become your own master and leader and you’ll see for yourself what’s real and what’s not.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Understanding the Baby's Kicking - Adventures with QCK


This is another sort of 'eye-opening' point I've wanted to share with regards to my experiences so far during pregnancy, specifically working with QCK(Quantum Change Kinesiology). I mean working with QCK, as well as just having much experience with investigating/exploring the mind(see Desteni/DIP), I've learned to recognize and see the physical body and all possible physical sensations/experiences/pains/conditions/expressions as a sort of feedback 'tool' or 'machine' that appropriately shows you your 'real self' so to speak. Or it at least just shows you your deeper programming that you're not aware of as you go about your day/life on a purely conscious level. It's fascinating stuff.

But there was one thing I wasn't expecting as I'm working in this realm of 'body/mind communication' and that is that a developing baby/fetus in the womb also plays a role in this 'feedback machine' that is the physical body. Something that specifically becomes apparent when the baby starts 'kicking', or rather when you start feeling the kicks. Yes, I had my first moments of awe and endearment and the "omg, he/she is kicking!". You know, that new parent milestone that you get all excited about cause it reminds you of 'the miracle of life' growing inside you. Although, it's only when I started looking into these kicks and communicating with the baby every time I felt one that I realized they're not 'random', and certainly not all 'miracle of life' related. In fact, a lot of the time it's the baby communicating to me about what I am participating in in my mind. Basically him/her saying "stop it!", or "you need to look at this".

But the most fascinating of all is his/her participation when I am busy looking at/working through a point, not to mention when I am working with someone else in a QCK session. The baby will actually 'hold' the information of the point I'm working with, be it my own or that of a client, and will sometimes 'nudge' me in the right direction. That maybe sounds a bit technical or confusing, but yes lol. I am not entirely sure how it works or why this kind of 'support' is coming from the baby to be honest. This is about as far as my understanding has taken me. And this is all a very new kind of journey for me as well so I am also learning about all this as I go, through experience and practice and observation.

To maybe give you a practical example of how this goes down. Say I'm in a session with someone and we're tapping into/working with a particular subconscious personality design that's hiding on deeper layers of an issue they're dealing with. This personality being on a subconscious level alone requires me to see the information in myself first, since it is very likely that the person won't be aware of the subconscious personality if I tell them, "oh you are living a personality design of being rigid(just for example sake)". They'll go, "right, ehm, I guess?" I as the practitioner have to be the one to be able to show them exactly how and where and in what way they're living this thing, in a way that allows them to recognize it and relate to it within themselves and go, "ah yes, I see how I do this". And this can be tricky sometimes because basically now I need to be fully open and receptive to see/receive/tune into/experience what's on that very specific subconscious level of this person's mind, as well as be able to specify and articulate what it is that I'm seeing. This is all 'resonant work' and not necessarily something I'll be going into right now though (but, more than willing to answer questions in the comments section!).

So sometimes I'll get a little bit 'stuck', as in there just won't be anything coming up or I just don't immediately see anything. Usually that means that it is actually there and I am actually seeing it, I just don't know that I'm seeing it lol, because the point is so nuanced or subtle. Those are the times when the baby will give me a 'kick', or will shift positions or will even go into a 'pain' or 'discomfort' experience, basically to give me a 'physical reference point' for me to be able to better access the information. Physical reference point, as in it's just easier for me to 'draw'/read information from a tangible physical point, in terms of reading/accessing the mind/body relationship, than reading it 'out of thin air' so to speak. This 'reading the mind/body relationship' is a big part of the QCK work that I do, where I start from a physical point and then open that up into the resonant layers, or 'mind programming', existent within and behind it. So here the baby will support by positioning and placing itself ever so specifically. Almost physically embodying the point from the client for me so I can have a better 'feel' for it physically and am able to read it better. And yeah, it's as 'fantastical' as it sounds lol. To have my baby helping me out as I'm helping others, and to just have the baby's communication come through so clearly within all the different kicks, turns, positions and movements that it makes in there. And so the wild ride of pregnancy continues lol.

This is just me sharing what my experience has been so far with being pregnant and working with resonance through QCK. Sharing about the things that have kind of 'blown me out of the water' personally, as it's just things I never thought were possible. Not like I've ever read about women communicating with their baby through its kicking and movements in the womb. It is a 'direct' form of communication with reality that is very new to me, and as far as I know, to the world(or at least humanity). Something that's actually always been here, yet never realized or practiced because our minds have always gotten in the way. That's why I suppose you could say that QCK is about supporting in that process of deconstructing the mind. A tool of assistance and support for humanity to get to who we really are. Direct seeing, direct communication, and awareness of everything that is here. But we first have to walk our process through our own mind.

Investigate tools of support at Desteni, Desteni 'I' Process, DIP Lite, Eqafe, and at Space of Grace, where you can find me with QCK along with many other practitioners who each have their own modality of support and who work with the same principle of facilitating your process through the mind and "into" who you really are. 

 Contact me at Space of Grace, via Facebook or here in the comment section if you're curious to learn more about QCK and what I do exactly.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mind Development in the Developing Fetus: A QCK Adventure



This one's another exciting story, albeit maybe also a bit bizarre, that I've been wanting to share about my 'adventures' with QCK, resonance and the developing baby fetus in my belly.Why I'm saying this story might be a bit bizarre is because it's not like one you'll have heard anywhere before. It covers topics that may be a bit hard to grasp at first, but they're fascinating nonetheless. Topics such as... gosh, where do I begin?! lol To be honest I am also learning about all this stuff as I go. It entails as much my process, as well as the baby's and the process I'm walking with QCK, in terms of investigating the relationship between the mind and the body (or, as I've more specifically described before, how I work with 'resonance'). Again not going to go into the specifics of what 'resonance' is, but I am more than happy to answer questions in the comment section!

Anyways! Let's just get into it. A little while ago, without any clear reason or cause, I suddenly started experiencing abdominal cramps. At first, obviously thinking nothing of it cause when you're pregnant you experience cramps for numerous reasons; constipation, bloatedness, being gassy, the uterus expanding and what not. Then I felt my body going into a state of 'panic', like 'Ok, something's happening that is not normal!' Kind of like a red alarm going off inside. Physically it felt like I was going to have my period, that sinking feeling in the pelvis that feels like things are going to be pushed out and released. The cramping worsened, I started to feel extremely faint like I was going to pass out and things no longer felt like 'they were going to pass', like I just need to 'wait it out'. They felt as though my body was in a state of emergency and I may be needing a trip to the hospital.

While all these physical symptoms were going on, I was doing what I usually do whenever I'm experiencing any pain, discomfort or strange experience in my belly. I check the resonance, or in other words I check the link between the physical and the mind. And here I have a few check points that I go through to determine whether it is me or the baby and then what the actual point is that's causing the physical discomfort. And a point that came through very strongly in the baby's resonance was that he 'wanted out!'. That, with looking at all of what I have been going through in my personal life, the emotions that's been bringing up, and looking at what that will mean in terms of the environment he's going to be born into, he's opting to rather evacuate right now. And I can't say that I could disagree with how he was seeing things. That, sure yes I was 'busy changing' and 'working on' all the issues he was seeing, but unfortunately for me, 'just not fast enough'. That there is such a point as 'too late'. His decision was made, he's not waiting for me any longer. 

So as I was mentally preparing myself for a possible miscarriage, I thought 'Ok, well maybe this isn't necessarily how it needs to be, and maybe there's a point here that I can address with QCK', because I've learned by now that you wouldn't believe how many experiences and ways of seeing things - that, sure, feel very 'real' in the moment - are actually systems in the mind and can be 'deprogrammed'. You're just not aware of the mechanics behind 'why' you feel and see things the way you do and so will accept it as 'real'. With a QCK session those mechanics become exposed and so you're able to more easily let things go or work through them.

Now, a session goes as follows: I will do a lot of 'checking' and cross-referencing points. Like in this case I checked obviously, 'Ok, is this actually a mind-system the baby and me is accessing or is this a real thing?' This cross-referenced as 'yes, it's a mind-system'. Now the interesting thing as well as we go through a session, with each check-point so to speak, is that there is a 'release' that happens. Some of the tension that's been built up emotionally/mentally within the mind-system will relax and release each time a particular layer of it has been identified and realized. For instance, just with realizing that 'Ok, this isn't actually real, it's a mind-system that I can address, direct and change', already removed some of the stress or sense of 'urgency' of the overall experience. The next checkpoint is then of course 'well, what mind-system are we dealing with here?'

Here is where I work with a lot of information that I've developed over the years with Andrea Rossouw, and is something we're able to use as our blueprint in navigating the mind in a session. It's a way of organizing the jumble of whatever we are going through inside into comprehensible terminology that allows us to see clearly and work with the different components of how the mind operates (and makes things seem so 'real' when they're actually not). I suppose you could say it helps 'place things into perspective'. 

The mind-system that cross-referenced here was a personality design of being 'grim'. Grim as in, perceiving and seeing the world in a particularly gloomy, dark, pessimistic and overall negative way. So in short, the baby was actually accessing this personality design, which he'd copied from me, and was deciding that he 'wanted out' because - being in this personality design - he could not see any potential, possibility, hope or opportunity for things to get better, to change and be good. He was seeing his world in the worst possible way and so his conclusion or 'solution' was the worst possible option. So realizing this as a personality design wasn't just a learning-lesson for the baby, but also for me, since I'd been wholeheartedly agreeing with everything he was seeing and deciding throughout the whole thing. I too was living this personality design of being quite grim in how I tend to perceive things. Assuming the worst, rather than creating and allowing space for things to turn out good. This was another moment of 'release', with realizing 'oooh ok, so I'm not actually seeing reality but more an interpretation or perception of it based on some deeper programming that's causing me to see the worst in things'.

From here the session went into this 'deeper programming', which lasted all throughout the evening, as well as the next few days to really get to the bottom of the thing. As in, where does this one 'perception/interpretation' of reality, this one pattern and tendency of being 'grim', originate from? Throughout it all, using my body, and whatever cramps/discomforts were still there, as a cross-reference and a guide to let me know there's still more to look at. Until the last layer had been uncovered and the body felt settled, present and comfortable. In these kind of sessions we really venture into places that have been 'locked away' in different layers of our awareness, so yes it can take a while to open up all of those 'locked doors' as we sink deeper and deeper into ourselves. This one took me on a ride, not just through my own sub- and unconscious mind, but also my partner's - the baby's father - which was all forming part of the baby's already programmed 'mindset'.

Suffice to say that pregnancy has definitely had it's 'surprises' for me so far, in terms of opening up so much more for me in my ability to work with QCK. It hasn't all just been due to being pregnant, I've also just been working with myself a lot more, working with Joe Kou as a life coach, and just cranking my own process up a notch. All that, and having this 'extra perspective' through the baby has added to developing an extreme depth, compared to what I was working with before, as I work with myself and other people in QCK sessions. Absolutely fascinating stuff. So that's all for this 'adventure'. If this is all wild and bizarre to you, that's normal lol. We're not used to working on this level, with resonance, mind programming and the mind and body relationship. This all only opened up and started for me because I've been walking with Desteni and have been walking my Desteni 'I' Process for such a long time. In a way seeing the 'fabric of the universe' as resonance.

I do QCK sessions, not for the faint-hearted, where I take you down deep into your programming and where we have a look at what's at the origin of whatever you're dealing with. Come check me out at Space of Grace, or find me on Facebook. I invite and welcome conversations and questions to better understand all this stuff. Or any inquiries about QCK sessions, resonance, mind-body relationship or mind programming, don't hesitate to send my way.


Sunday, February 28, 2021

Working through my Resonant Design with QCK

One thing I've found QCK sessions, or my work with 'resonance', are useful for is FEAR. What I mean by that is that personally I'd say I am a very 'fearful' person, and I have never found a very effective way of dealing with those fears. I've tried many things growing up with all these intense experiences of anxiety, insecurity and nervousness that I'd so often go through, not to mention the thoughts accompanying those experiences! Oh the thoughts! lol Fear can really send your thoughts into a tailspin, and it's a rough ride when you're not able to assess what is purely your mind's imagination and what is reality. And that rabbit hole goes deep too. Meaning, the levels on which fear can have a hold on your perception of reality. It's just extensive. And so is the process you have to walk to sift through all those levels and ultimately get to a point of groundedness. And my process has been a loooong one.

What QCK has just supported me with is to discern what's 'my mind' from what's real. To learn and find out that even, and mostly, those experiences that 'felt so real' were actually not reality at all, but were just sort of 'remnants' or 'resonants'. My 'resonant design', made up of whatever memories I've stored in unconscious ways that are now distinctively 'resonating' through my mind in the form of 'experiences'.  That all might sound a bit complicated, but it's to say that you end up taking so many things about how you see and perceive the world and how you experience yourself for granted, because most of it is, well, just not real. And the key is to find the memories that are anchored and stored away and are busy resonating. Cause if you don't, you're always sort of wandering in the dark inside your own mind, in all of these experiences, just trying to find a slice of the 'real you'.

And it took me long enough, but as I mentioned in my previous post, being pregnant has urged me to start using QCK to take on every point inside myself I could see I was stuck on. And that wasn't in the least because just the whole physical sensation of being pregnant and whatever that does to the body (especially in the beginning!) seemed to amplify and magnify many of my mental/emotional patterns (especially the extremely uncomfortable ones). Aside from that, there was also my resolve - with realizing I am becoming a PARENT! - that 'all this ends with me'. I may have been allowing all of this uncomfortable stuff inside myself for way too long, but I will not saddle a child, my child, with it too. 

It really only took a few good, deep sessions with myself to find a way and clear a path for myself through things I've been stuck in within my mind for what seems like forever. At least most of my life. So many experiences I took for granted, believed to be real, and allowed myself to suffer through for so long, now just 'debunked' and cleared up in the span of maybe a few weeks. And for someone who has a 'fearful mind', I couldn't be more grateful that for the first time I was able to understand the mechanics of it all, instead of being swept away by the currents of fear resonating from the depths of my unconscious. I could give things a place and place myself into perspective. No longer thinking 'there's something grievously wrong with me', which is what you often end up feeling and believing when you suffer from massive anxiety and panic-attacks. The solution to all these things was now just a session away, and it's been glorious.

If you're at all curious about QCK and you feel like it might support you, don't hesitate to reach out to I'm also on Facebook if you feel more comfortable sending me a message there. Dealing with anxiety is tough, and if I can in any way be a point of support in that journey, through QCK, and working with others the way I've worked with myself, then I am here.

Kim Amourette

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Resonance of Fish Oil and its Effects on a Developing Fetus


 This is an important, or rather exciting, point to share for me. One I've been wanting to share for a while but haven't found the way to do that entirely. I'm sure it's because it is a very new and different kind of thing and so it's a bit harder to find the vocabulary or way to express what it is that I want to express. 

I have been walking quite a journey in a lot of different ways, and it mostly all started with getting pregnant. I mean, I've found that realizing you're having a baby kind of puts things in hyper-drive for you. Realizing I alone am entirely and completely and irrevocably responsible for this one being's life. The father has their responsibility as well of course, but having that being developing in your body is an entire different dimension of responsibility on its own!  

Now comes the tricky part of what I have been anxious to share lol. If you know me, you know that I practice QCK (Quantum Change Kinesiology). This is a technique involving Applied Kinesiology that I've developed alongside Andrea Rossouw. And I haven't quite found a way of formulating what it is that I do exactly.  Words sometimes fall short. I suppose it is suffice to say that I work with the mind and the body and particularly the relationship between those two on a very intimate level. And that level you could call the 'resonant level'. I work with 'resonance'. A very interesting study to reference here is the work of Masaru Emoto who did research around how thoughts, words, energies and intentions influence the molecular structure of water. He worked with the resonance of our mind on physical reality, or how our mind as thoughts, feelings and emotions resonates or ripples into and affects our physical reality. 

I've found that being able to work with this resonant layer takes a lot of practice and sensitivity, and it's kind of like practicing a particular muscle of taking a thing and mapping out it's components. Like how a scientist would take a blood sample and puts it under a microscope to zoom in on what it consists of. When you're working with resonance you're doing the same thing but on the level of the mind and how the mind overlaps onto physical reality. It's fascinating stuff. Yet, very little research has actually been conducted to investigate this relationship. It almost seems like the medical community concluded that all of our thinking and feeling and everything that makes up our 'self' just happens 'in the brain', and left it at that, consequentially segregating itself entirely from the field of psychology. AND lazily shoving any discipline that aims to work with the relationship between mind and body into the category of 'alternative medicine' or 'pseudo-science'. Think acupuncture, homeopathy and Applied Kinesiology for example. It is very sad.

So you're kind of left to your own devices when it comes to establishing any understanding of your mind and your body and the relationship between the two. And perhaps that's a good thing too, from the perspective that this understanding is a very personal process. After all, you're setting out to understand 'you', as who you are in your mind and your body and the relationship between those two. Personally, it's taken me no less than a decade to establish this type of understanding, walking a very intensive process and applying very specific tools.

But all this is just leading me into what I wanted to share today specifically, and that's more just an example of the 'resonance' work that I do. I started off saying that it all started with being pregnant, because that sense of responsibility has pushed me to expand my abilities to working not just with myself but also with the baby fetus. Also my working with myself has been amped up because, having a baby means that who I am in my mind and body won't just influence me, but will now also influence this other being directly. This made my process of self-change take on a whole new importance. There's many more examples on this that I will be sharing later on, but for today I wanted to focus on one example in particular of working with the resonance of supplements. Fish oil to be exact, or Omega 3, 6 and 9. When it comes to anything I ingest, I make sure to do my research to confirm that it's safe to take during pregnancy, but I've also learned to check in with how it is resonating into my body and into the baby. What's the baby's experience with this supplement and how is it influencing the baby on a resonant level? The resonant level specifically lets me know what is going on on a mind level (yes, already!), which in turn will have its effect on the physical level of the baby.

I'll leave the explaining of how this works for another blog (I'm also happy to answer questions in the comment section!) and will just dive into what I saw upon investigating the resonance of the Omega 3/6/9 supplements. How it was resonating with the baby was that 'it's cool but there is a point there'. So that 'point' was something to look deeper into cause it's showing 'something' about the supplement that the baby is not entirely OK with. Now this is where it gets interesting because when you look into these kind of points you're also working with the composition of the thing, where it comes from, what it's made from, all on a resonant level! It can be exciting and also a bit scary sometimes, cause you don't ever know what you're going to see and uncover. It is always a diving into an exploration and an excavation of an unknown world.

I got a bit startled this time as well cause what came through was a very 'shark-like' resonance. As though this fish oil came from a very deep and wild part of the sea where fish exist in extreme survival, extreme competition, fear, aggression and fighting (for survival). The shark-like resonance in a way captured the essence or the depth of what 'survival' means and what it takes to survive in this reality. That resonance makes a lot of sense when you consider that Omega 3 specifically helps with brain development in the fetus. The brain being the primary operating center of our survival techniques and our learning and functioning abilities in this world. So what I particularly work with here is with why the baby was having 'issues' with this supplement, what those issues are and how they can be resolved. 

These issues will always have to do with a 'reaction' that's taking place on some level of the mind, and this is something that can be directed with some simple guidance exercises. The reaction here was basically that 'this is very scary'. The shark-like resonance, the aggression and the 'dog-eat-dog' or 'fish-eat-fish' feel of it all. And it was interesting because I realized that this reaction came from the very 'sensitive' disposition that my baby has already copied from myself and its father. This is an issue that has come up before and something I've become aware of since working with my relationship with my baby in this way, that I am an extremely sensitive person when it comes to the world, society, survival and my environment and reality in general. I've become more and more aware of my many issues with anxiety and fear and it's become clear to me in my sessions with the baby thus far that it is already copying a lot of that. Already laying the foundation of its mind, to essentially eventually become even more sensitive of a person than myself and its father combined.

So this wasn't just an issue to direct with the baby, but also with myself, to correct that relationship of 'fear, anxiety and sensitivity' when it comes to the world and the concept of survival and competition. This is where the fun part comes in because it's where I get to go in and have a 'QCK session'. It's the fun part cause it's where we dig into the mind and sort of 'uproot' the reaction. If you imagine that one reaction to something is actually part of a much bigger system, design or 'plan' if you will, it's like pulling out a weed or a tree by the roots. It's a very exciting process that can go quite deep in terms of really getting to know yourself. Then after the session I check the resonance again and could see that the 'capacity' of dealing with this shark-like/survival resonance had changed. From a crumbling and suppressive response, to a more 'clown-like' response. Clown-like meaning, to have more fun, to see and work with things in a more lighthearted manner and to siphon out the aspects that matter and can be used from the ones that can be discarded in a very easy-breezy kind of way. 

 When it comes to survival, it doesn't have to be something scary, and it doesn't have to be something aggressive either. It's about strength, stability, knowing yourself and being ready for the world. So all the session did was align the baby's 'attitude' in relation to the fish-oil from reacting to the agressiveness with 'emotional sensitivity', to just keeping and using what is useful and good about it and ignoring the rest.  It's small points of support, but fascinating nonetheless and they help me a lot too since everything I'm working with with the baby are issues I struggle with as well.

That is it for my sharing on this point. If all this intrigues you as much as it does me, then look out for more of these posts as I'll be sharing more of these stories of working with resonance. Also if your own resonance (as in, your relationship between your mind and physical reality) is something you feel ready to work with, then check out my practice on Space of Grace, or message me at

Kim amourette

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Meaning of Purpose


 I've noticed that when it comes to ideas that I have where 'I'd like to' express something, like make a vlog or a blog and just do something that is in line with me expressing my care for life and the process I'm walking, there will very easily be 'discouragement' or rather thoughts come up that it's 'purposeless'. That I shouldn't bother, it's silly, it's stupid, just let it go and drop it and focus on more important things. 

That's lead me to have another look at the word 'purpose' and how I'm defining it, in terms of what is it that I'm actually deeming 'important', valuable and worthy of my time. Because clearly, some programming in my mind is telling me that the things I want to do that would stand in support of life are 'purposeless'. So there's a problem here...



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word purpose in the context of the mind as survival – where the question ‘what’s the purpose of this?’ must always be able to be answered in terms of how will it generate money, or a following, or produce something that’s considered a ‘value’ within the mind, such as money or fame or popularity or success of some sort

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must require ‘proof’ that whatever I’m doing will in some way contribute to a future success in terms of money and survival – or that it must be nearly ‘set in stone’ that what I’m doing will have that eventual result of ‘success’ as defined in terms of money and/or fame – otherwise it’s simply not worth doing at all and is a ‘worthless pursuit’

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to find no ‘purpose’ and so no value or worth in things I do just for the sake of seeing that it may contribute to a better world, that it may be supportive in some way, where I am just expressing my ‘self’ as in my care for life and my care to contribute to a better world in whatever way possible, and where I don’t necessarily have a whole future business model all mapped out in terms of how I might become famous or make money from it or how I may even be able to be consistent in doing it – because all I have is that drive and that point of care to hopefully maybe do and contribute to something that matters

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that what matters isn’t scripted in any way, so it’s never going to be that ‘sure thing’ in terms of the mind’s definition of ‘money’ and ‘success’, and so to the mind it will never have ‘purpose’ – there will never be a ‘purpose’ or a value and worth in doing it and there’ll always be plenty of reasons for why you should just ‘give up’ and ‘not even bother’

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that as long as ‘purpose’ is defined by and up to the mind, I will never see a ‘purpose’ in anything I do that matters, in terms of things I do as a ‘self’-expression – and that I must be the directive principle of the word ‘purpose’, in terms of for myself deciding what truly has value and worth in this world and what doesn’t – and so not just accept those thoughts that come up in the mind of ‘there’s no purpose to this’ or ‘this is worthless and a waste of time’ just because it does not directly relate to ‘survival’ and ‘money’ and ‘success’ defined within survival and money

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to accept this preprogrammed definition of the word ‘purpose’, where the value or worth of something is defined by whether it’s able to contribute to ‘survival’ and ‘success’ as defined within the mind consciousness system where it’s defined within self-interest rather than what’s best or supportive for all – instead of being the directive principle of ‘purpose’ and aligning it with life as what’s best for all as who I really am and what I know to be what matters, where everything that contributes to creating a better world for all has value and worth, and the things that only consider self-interest do not have value or worth and so are ‘without purpose’

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that the consequences of living the word purpose as defined by the mind consciousness system in terms of only seeing value and worth in what’s going to contribute to my survival in this world is that I’m contributing to and creating a world and reality that does not honor life as self-expression in every moment – a world of competition and separation that disregards and neglects what’s actually here such as nature and animals, where no care is given to that which really matters, and so a world doomed to self-destruct

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word purpose within a positively charged energy that tells me that 'something HAS purpose' - instead of seeing and realizing and understanding that everything has a particular 'purpose' -- it's to just find out what that purpose is by investigating the consequences of my actions and having a look at what I'm actually contributing to and creating through my actions and behavior

i forgive myself that I havent accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that this belief that there are certain things that are 'purposeful' and other things that are 'purposeless' just shows me that I have been brainwashed and programmed to be a robot who only does things they've been programmed to believe 'have purpose' without understanding the actual purpose as in the consequences and what I'm actually busy creating - and so without being the directive principle in terms of actually investigating the consequences of my actions as to what 'purpose' my actions are actually serving, as well as deciding what it is I actually want to be creating


When and as I see myself thinking that there’s no purpose to something I’m doing just because I cannot prove to myself or show how it might contribute to any future ‘success’ as defined by the mind in terms of money/fame/survival, and that I ‘shouldn’t even bother doing it’ and ‘should just give it up’ – then I stop and I breathe, and I see and realize and understand that I am living the word purpose as defined in and as the mind and have been accepting and allowing the mind to be the directive principle of ‘purpose’

And I see, realize and understand that it’s how I’ve been taught and preprogrammed to live the word purpose – and that thus real purpose aligned with life as what’s best for all in oneness and equality is to investigate and look into the actual consequences of what I place value and worth in and which actions and behavior I deem valuable and worthy and which ones I don’t, to not just trust the thoughts that come up in the mind that something is ‘worthless’ and ‘I shouldn’t bother’ but to actually look into ‘what would this contribute to?’ and so to see where this action will take me and what I will end up creating through it

I see and realize and understand that the mind is programmed to automatically judge everything that’s aligned with life and that’s best for all as ‘purposeless’, and everything that contributes to self-interest as ‘purposeful’ – and that thus it’s up to me to investigate all things and be the directive principle of the word purpose in terms of self-honestly having a look at what actually contributes to creating a world that’s best for all and what actually only contributes to its inevitable destruction

As I see and realize and understand that oftentimes the mind will deem something ‘purposeless’ and ‘not worth doing’ while its those things that actually come from a place of innocence and self-expression and genuine care

I commit myself to live the word purpose  in terms of making sure that my actions and behavior is aligned with ultimately contributing to and creating a world that is best for all – supporting those behaviors and actions that are aligned with life and changing the ones that aren’t