Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Live by Principles so you can be Trusted

This is a continuation of my previous post "Checking in with the Real You"

The thing, or the 'problem', with the positive stuff, is mostly that you lose your sense of responsibility. It just takes you away from 'here'. You lose your 'footing' as you start 'floating' in a way on that 'vibe' of whatever energy you're 'vibrating' on.

Almost, and actually very much lol, as though you're starting to exist on a different plane. Or an alternate existence. An existence where all that 'exists' is the energy you chose to seep into. And, it's a 'seeping', because it just happens so gradually. Not like you cross a clear and obvious line from one dimension or reality to the next. It's more like a 'trickle'. Slowly but surely your awareness, and 'you' pretty much, starts seeping into this 'pocket', or 'bubble' of energy - lured in by the call of whatever desire you're still suppressing.

You may think you're being self honest, but you're not lol

So then, how do you measure self-honesty? How do you make sure that you remain self-honest in every moment? That you stay 'here', present, responsible. To basically avoid having to at some point realize that you got lost in an alternate dimension and then have to face the consequences of not having stood in responsibility for all the ripple effects of every action in every moment. Cause, that's tough. To have to stand at that point of consequence.

The only way you measure anything really, which is in the physical. You need to have principles in place. Principles to live by. If you can live by those principles, then you know you're self-honest. Without principles, there's no responsibility for anything. And you'll be directed, influenced and defined by desires.

Principles is what 'makes the world go round'. Literally lol. Every 'law' nature and the physical reality follows is a principle. Because, it is that which is 'lived by'. That which is never compromised. That which can be trusted. It's why human beings cannot be trusted. Because they don't live by principles.

The one principle I abandoned, where I created a lot of 'tough to face'-consequences for myself, was to walk with the group. Where I started thinking that 'I'm better off alone'. And started trusting more in 'myself' than in 'the group'. That may sound strange, but yes actually the group does 'know better'. And if you find yourself veering off 'on your own' - that's ego my friend. It takes a certain humbleness to walk with a group. And that humbleness is what I abandoned.

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