Monday, February 17, 2020

The Capitalist Mind-Set

This is a continuation of my previous blog "Moving at the Speed of Light"

What you allow yourself to do onto another is what you allow within yourself. It's a little considered principle but it's essentially how you create your reality and your experience within and of your reality. What are the emotions and the thoughts that you allow towards those around you? In which ways are you disregarding, neglecting or not considering the effects on those around you, of even the slightest reactions you allow within you?

Heaven is created through how you live for others. And hell is created in the same way. The things you ALLOW to be done onto others, through your unawareness of your own actions, are the things you create for yourself. Do you have a tendency to wear your emotions 'on your sleeve'? Where it's just you and 'how you're feeling' inside yourself, everyone else be damned?

I mean there's nothing wrong with being honest with yourself about what you're going through. However it's this sort of 'self-interested' mind-set, the 'capitalist' mind-set of 'all that matters is what I want, need and desire' and 'I am an island', and the ways in which you therein don't consider those around you, that makes you poison your reality.

Because, your reality isn't in fact 'just you'. You aren't in fact 'an island'. Your reality consists of you, and everybody else in it. So if you're not considering those in your reality as equal to you, you're just going to end up experiencing exactly what you're creating. But you won't even be aware that you're creating it, cause you haven't been aware of this connection between you and those around you. And that if you're asking 'why is this happening to me?!!', all you need to do is have a look at what you're doing - or not doing - to or for those around you.

Cause a heaven on earth is going to have to include all of us. And it's going to require us to start considering each other, and step out of the 'capitalist mind-set' of 'I am an island'. And place ourselves in each other's shoes and live not just for ourselves.

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