Wednesday, April 15, 2020

FOCUS as a Living Word

This is a continuation of my previous post "To Practically Live a Word"

Something I’ve realized so far with regards to living my word, is that basically it has to be a CONSTANT focus. That, my mind WILL find ways, any ways, to get in there and distract me and put my focus onto something entirely different. Getting me to believe that ‘oh this other thing that came up is more important right now’, but then I end up just losing myself within all these points that more actually feed into my mind.

I just don’t really notice that really it’s all just a distraction because I’ve become so accustomed to trusting my mind and trusting these sort of ‘impulses’ or ‘points’ that ‘come up’ and grab my interest and attention for a moment. Cause they seem so relevant and important! But what I’ve noticed is that at the end of the day all these points really do is just keep me from living my word that I’ve decided to live. To ‘scatter my focus’ and essentially mess with my decision.

Cause really, it’s within living my word that I am truly the directive principle. I would say that’s about the only place where I am truly directing myself to CREATE. Everything else, in terms of these points that ‘come up’ which I then do self-forgiveness on, and that seem so important to look at and open up with self-forgiveness and writing, are areas where I am ‘impulsed’ by the mind. And where the mind is thus the directive principle, since it’s the mind bringing all these points up, going ‘hey look here, this is pretty important. You should have a look into this point right now!’ …And down the rabbit-hole I go.

I mean realistically speaking, ‘focus’ is like a ‘point’. Where, I am really only able to ‘focus’ on one point at a time. To really give all my attention, all of ‘me’, to this one singular point of creation. And I am finding, with stepping into and starting this process of living words - or, living even just this one word ‘Safe Haven’ – that I am having to learn how to focus in the first place. How to ‘keep my focus’ and not get distracted. And so essentially how to live focus in the context of self-creation and self-direction, rather than it existing in the mind as a tool of distraction.

And learn how to ‘expand’ my focus from the one word ‘Safe Haven’, into living additional words. Yet, where I’m not getting ‘side-tracked’ or distracted from the main focus as Safe Haven, but where the ‘additional words’ are more just part of my definition and description of my word Safe Haven. So, my focus becomes ‘expanded’ yet still focused within the one point, rather than being dragged all over the place from one point to the next seemingly equally important point.

And this approach also aligns with the interview on Self-Specialization. Where, instead of trying to cover and do and look into and consider EVERYTHING, you rather actually hone in on just ONE point, and expand from there. Where even the ‘expansion’ is still only focusing on the one point, but just defining and refining and ‘specifying’ that one point more and more. Kind of like the principle of holographics, in terms of finding the whole in one singular point.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Have been having similar realizations and application.
