Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 i forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am responsible for everything and everyone around me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I alone am responsible for EVERYTHING that is here

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am alone in my responsibility for everything that exists - even though there are clearly a lot of other beings around me in this reality

I forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to consider that perhaps those beings are also equally responsible for what is here as reality - and that i am not alone responsible for everything 

i forgive myself that I havent accepted and allowed myself to recognize that equality with the beings that exist here in and as reality -- by believing myself to be ALONE responsible, as if the world rests on my shoulders and everything is my task and responsibility, and I must save everyone and everything and fix everything and feel guilty about everything that goes wrong --- instead of seeing and realizing and understanding that everything is the responsibility of all of us beings participating in all that's here - and that I am not alone in that responsibility

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that even though I have always believed myself to be 'alone responsible' and have taken all that responsibility for EVERYTHING on my shoulders -- I never ACTUALLY took responsibility, in terms of actually simply living and existing in a way that is best for this physical world and reality, because the 'responsibility' was actually more a 'feeling', an 'emotion' and a thought -- rather than an actual LIVING WORD

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that responsibility as a living word is not to try and place the whole world on my shoulders and then feel overwhelmed by the immensity of that 'responsibility', that i can't actually possibly carry alone - but is actually about the simple and small actions -- about the simple physical actions of taking care of my environment and seeing what my immediate environment needs and how I can contribute to a better world through simple everyday actions -- rather than believing that I am responsible for THE WHOLE WORLD, which actually just makes me feel defeated and makes me feel like giving up and crumbling and falling inside myself because theres just no way that i could take on that responsibility that i've placed on myself

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to live the word responsibility within and as a simple physical level that is REAL  within and as the simple everyday actions that will contribute to a world that's best for all -- where i actually do what I as one individual am practically, physically able to do and achieve, rather than trying to do the impossible or expecting the impossible of myself

I forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that to live responsibility is actually if anything, to just focus on what I am personally able to do within the context of my life - and to leave the rest up to other people --- to let other people take their own personal responsibility -- rather than me trying to take the responsibility out of everybody's hands within the belief that I should be taking responsibility for EVERYTHING, instead of seeing and realizing and understanding that that just would make other people LAZY and not take the responsibility that is actually theirs to take, and would thus actually cause the world to fall in disarray as nobody takes their responsibility, while I try to take ALL the responsibility

I forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that what is best for all is for each being to take their responsibility for this world and reality -- for all of us to equally take responsibility, rather than some not taking any and others trying to compensate and pick up others' slack

i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it's all in my hands and that i am alone responsible to save the world

i forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel defeated and disempowered because i obviously am not physically practically able to take responsibility for the whole world - to do everything - and fix and solve all the worlds problems

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to give up all that responsibility - and allow others to take the responsibility that is actually theirs - and to make sure that my responsibility simply consists of what I as an individual am able to practically realistically do in my everyday actions, and realize that anything 'more' than that is an illusion -- and is just me in the mind BELIEVING that somehow i am responsible for EVERYTHING

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to just keep it simple and just look at the small ways in my everyday life that i can take responsibility and that i can contribute to a world that's best - realizing and seeing and understanding that my world, as my direct environment is the only thing i am able to take responsibility for --- everything else is other people's responsibility. - and that my actions only really matter within my immediate environment

i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to play this emotionally charged game with myself where i basically go and look at the entire world and believe that I am personally, alone responsible for EVERYTHING that is happening in the world - and am alone responsible to fix all of it, and that if i cannot, then I am a 'failure' -- where i generate and go into a LOT of intense emotions of defeatism, giving up, despair, powerlessness, disempowerment, fear, anxiety, overwhelmedness, sadness, guilt, etcetera, and not to mention self-judgment --- instead of seeing and realizing and understanding that that is the illusion of 'responsibility' within the mind as defined within thoughts and emotions --- rather than realizing and seeing that whatever i am seeing playing out in the world, it is not my responsibility, in terms of it doesnt ALL rest on my shoulders -- it is a 'joint' responsibility, a 'joint' creation of all of us beings in this world - and that my personal responsibility is to just do what i can to act in ways within my immediate environment that will CONTRIBUTE to a world that is best for all, and to be a living example to other beings so they may also take their responsibility, and through the 1+1+1+1 equation we will change the world --- rather than trying to do EVERYTHING and then ending up just completely confused and all over the place and wanting to give up

i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to even consider OVERWHELMING myself like that - and putting all of that 'responsibility' on my shoulders, that apparently I have to take care of THE WHOLE WORLD, all on my own - where i then feel like I'm just crumbling inside under all that immense and impossible pressure --- instead of being real, and reasonable and realistic with myself and seeing, realizing and understanding that OBVIOUSLY my only responsibility is the one that I am realistically able to take, anything 'more' than that is the mind playing games with me, getting me to lose myself within emotions

i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to even consider believing that i am ALONE here in this world and reality -- and alone responsible for what happens to this world and reality -- instead of opening my eyes and seeing that I am NOT alone, that in fact there are many many beings around me who are all equally responsible for this world -- and that I must realize and understand what is my personal responsibility and what is another's responsibility --- so that i don't end up accepting 'laziness' or rather 'abdication' of responsibility from others just because i am existing in some delusion of believing that I should be responsible for EVERYTHING

I forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that by living and defining the word responsibility in and as the mind - i have actually been abdicating and neglecting my ACTUAL responsibility on a physical level -- as i havent simply been focusing on the simple physical everyday acts that DO in fact make a difference and where I am personally able to CONTRIBUTE to a world that is best for all, within and as the 1+1+1+1 equation -- simply through how I choose to live in my personal life and environment

I forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to 'keep it simple' and to simply purely look at my own life and environment, where i personally have an impact -- and so to not necessarily look at 'the world' -- but more just stick to what is 'real', in terms of where I actually can have a real impact, which is in my immediate physical environment, and to just make sure that I am living within my immediate environment in a way that contribute to a world that is best for all

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to RELAX and essentially let go of all of that pressure that i've been placing on my shoulders -- the WORLD that i've been placing on my shoulders - and realize that 'the world' that I am responsible for, is purely and simply my own direct physical environment and the beings in it, because that is what I am realistically capable of taking responsibility for, in terms of deciding and directing my impact and influence --- and to trust that other beings will take their responsibility in oneness and equality with myself, for their own 'world' -- so that we are all a '+1' in the 1+1+1+1 equation and through each taking responsibility for their immediate environment, creating a world that is best as this whole physical world and reality

I forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to be simply HERE - as in simply present and connected with my own physical environment - as where my responsibility exists -- and so to let go of anything that is not of that immediate physical environment - and accept and realize that the rest, is someone else's responsibility, basically, as we all have our own location points in this physical world, and are personally responsible for those location points that we find ourselves in

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to actually look into and investigate my world - as in my immediate physical environment as my personal responsibility --- by defining my 'responsibility' within and as the mind in and as this picture of THE WHOLE WORLD, and connected with all these emotional experiences of disempowerment and defeatism

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to - instead of attempting the impossible and wasting time focusing on what's 'out there' as 'the rest of the world' - focus on my actual physical world and what exists within my immediate physical reality as there where I can in fact have an impact and make a difference -- my physical world and the beings in it --- and to correct and direct my relationships within that world and reality, realizing and seeing and understanding that my only responsibility exists within those relationships -- not anywhere 'out there' - but in fact 'right here' with the beings that form part of my physical reality

i forgive myself that i havent accepted and allowed myself to place my focus where my actual power is - in my immediate physical world and environment - and to let go of any thoughts of 'the rest of the world' -- but rather realize that all i can do is make sure that when it comes to my immediate environment, I act in ways that are best and have the best outcome for all

i see and realize and understand that when it comes to 'responsibility', there is an equality, where each and every being in this world and reality is EQUALLY responsible for themselves and their surroundings -- dependent on their personal CAPACITY to take responsibility -- and that my responsibility is within where i am capable of taking responsibility --- within my personal capacity to act in ways that will contribute to and create a world that's best for all

i see and realize and understand that i am not personally and alone responsible for THE WHOLE WORLD -- that i am not even ALONE responsible for my personal environment -- because I simply do not exist alone, but am surrounded by millions and billions of other beings, big and small, that all have their own personal responsibility as well -- where my personal responsibility is more just related to myself, to ensure that I act in ways, in every moment, that will contribute to and create a world that is best for all -- and to thus be part of the 1+1+1+1 equality equation -- and that i must thus let go of this mind point of trying to take responsibility for others and for EVERYTHING, and trust that others will also take their own responsibility in oneness and equality with myself

i see and realize and understand that any 'responsibility' that goes beyond or is more than just what i am purely simplistically practically and physically capable of - is an illusion in the mind and is more just designed to generate emotional experiences for me to lose myself in -- where i then end up actually abdicating and neglecting my REAL responsibility with regards to my immediate environment, as I am no longer present and aware and connected with my physical environment, but rather lost in the mind somewhere

i see and realize and understand that I am simply a +1 within the 1+1+1+1 equation - I am not the entire equation -- because I do not exist alone

I commit myself to live the word responsibility in the way that it actually matters and is actually real - and so to get out of this mind illusion of believing myself to be responsible for EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE in this whole wide world -- but rather simply take responsibility for myself, meaning for my physical actions and presence and to just make sure that I act in ways that contribute to a world that's best for all - and that i am a +1 in the 1+1+1+1 equation

i commit myself to place my focus where it matters - rather than concerning myself with 'the rest of the world' -- but to more realize and understand that the most impact i have on the world is when I direct my immediate physical environment and live as an example of what is best in all ways 

i commit myself to also support others to realize their personal responsibility by letting go of the belief that i am responsible for others -- and by thus allowing others to take responsibility for themselves - so we can all equally stand responsible for this world

i commit myself to let go of any concern or worry about anything or anyone other than and outside of myself - as i see and realize and understand that really my only responsibility and so my only worry and concern should be ME - and other beings are their own responsibility - to make sure that we all, within our own individual location point, live and stand in ways that are best for all

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