Sunday, January 19, 2020

I'm the Best Slave

This is a continuation of my previous post "Things are Not Alright"

COMPARISON is like saying "oh I'm just a slave. And I'm just trying to be the best slave I can be, so therefore I compare myself to all the other slaves to try and figure out how to be a good slave". I mean, cause to be a 'creator' obviously there'd be no comparison. Cause you would stand alone. You would be 'unique'. Only a 'slave', something that doesn't 'exist' in and of itself and something that isn't the 'master' of it's own existence, would thus 'compare itself'.

And I've been coming to grips with the extent to which I have indeed accepted and allowed myself as a 'slave'. Truly doing nothing but compare myself with 'other people' from that starting point of 'I just want to know how to be and what to do so I can be good'. So I can 'fit in', and basically 'do my job' as a 'good slave'. And just how little I've ever really done anything that was 'self-directed', if anything at all.

Cause, when it comes to thoughts and feelings and emotions, I've never been like, "wait a minute... this isn't me!" I just accepted that, just because they're in a way 'already here', they must be me. They must be 'reality'. Accepting myself as 'the created', or 'the creation'. And, not even as 'creation' actually, because then at least I would realize the oneness and equality of everything in and as me. No, I am only 'the created'. A thing that has no self-power, no self-will or self-direction. A 'victim' of who- or whatever it is that might have 'created me', AND of that which I'm supposed to be as 'the created'.

So how does that 'slave', the 'created', something that doesn't in fact 'exist', become 'the creator' - become self-willed, self-aware and 'real'? That's where DIP comes in. I mean it literally walks you through that process of what it means to be truly 'self-aware'. Through a process of 'specificity'. And, there's really no other way. You have to get SPECIFIC with exactly HOW you are 'not real', and with what it means to be 'real'. Taking ownership of every little aspect of yourself.

And the 'mind of the slave' is like 'allergic' to specificity lol. And so will RESIST that process immensely. But, if you want to be 'real', it's just something you need to 'get over' and 'get used to' basically. Cause it's going to be there every step of the way. So, resistance is like your 'marker' in your process of becoming real.

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