Friday, January 10, 2020

I'm just a Player in the Game

This is a continuation of my previous post "I can be Evil if I Wanted to"

And like, as long as there exists 'competition' in you, as in 'comparison', you're GONNA always be the 'loser' lol. Cause it's the point you have to eventually face as the 'consequence' of your 'creation'. So if you think you're 'winning', you're definitely losing. So, best to just stay out of that game and just not compare yourself at all. Because, comparison is in fact a sure way for you to abdicate SELF-responsibility. To lose sight of your 'self'.

'Comparison' creates this illusion that somehow we're not just creating and deciding EVERYTHING about ourselves and about how we exist in every singular moment. As though our existence is somehow decided and created by something else. And we're all just sort of existing by a 'luck of the draw'. In one big 'game' or 'competition', wherein we thus must compete against each other to 'make it to the end'. Whatever that 'end' may be.

And you basically believe that, "oh but, I didn't do this. I didn't choose any of this. I'm just a player in this big game, at the mercy of the 'rules' of the game which I certainly did not decide." When, I mean, you DID in fact decide all of it, you just haven't been honest with yourself about it. And at this point, there's just layers and layers of self-dishonesty. So, yes, now, it is going to have to be a 'process' for you walk through and 'peel off' all those layers so you can realize, "oh, lol, I DID create all of it."

And it's quite unfortunate actually. Because yes, there is an 'innocence'. In that, how we've come to create ourselves was very much sort of 'programmed' or 'impulsed' by the 'world' we grew up in. The reality we happened to have been born into. But at the same time there is a responsibility, and that is the point we have always missed. And so, here we are.

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