Saturday, March 28, 2020

Living my Living Word

This is a continuation of my previous post "My Living Word"

Working with the word Safe Haven has been interesting so far. My initial exploration of the word was more on an internal level, of 'what does it mean to be and stand as a Safe Haven?' But then I also looked at 'how can I practically, physically live this world?', which was a little more challenging since it's not so easy as just basically 'feeling' or 'seeing' the word within me.

Safe Haven for me is very much about focusing on myself, in terms of creating a 'safe space' for myself, both internally as externally. A place where I am 'free from harm'. A 'harbor'. A place where I can relax and be myself.

On an internal level that means to sort of draw everything into me, like drawing ships into my harbor, rather than me being 'drawn out' within for instance focusing on others over myself and thinking about 'the world around me' more than myself. With living Safe Haven it's more like, all those points I tend to get 'drawn to' within my thoughts, when I sort of 'drift off' within thinking about other people and then lose my awareness of myself within that - I have to instead draw all those points into myself. Draw 'other people' into myself, and so making my awareness of myself my primary focus. And, rather than me getting pulled towards it, I pull it towards me.

On an external level, a point I have considered is to just literally create a 'safe haven' for myself. In terms of creating a living space and environment that makes me feel 'safe'. Considering 'me' and what I need, within how I organize and set up and create my living space. Which is in fact equally important as the internal dimension. It's living the word on all levels of 'who I am', in oneness and equality.

And it's certainly counter-intuitive I have noticed, just because I'm not used to living in this way. I am used to 'getting lost' within thinking and worrying about 'other people'. I'm used to sort of neglecting my physical living space and not really consider what I actually need, to support myself. I am used to not making myself the 'center focus' of everything, and I'm used to NOT feeling safe within myself and my reality. So it's definitely been opening up fascinating points for me so far.

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