Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Living words: Hope and Hopeless

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be programmed within and as the words hope and hopelessness as an energy polarity

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live and define myself in and as the word hope as a point of not wanting to take responsibility for what is here, not wanting to be here, and not wanting to stand one and equal with what is here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live the word hope as the point of not wanting to take responsibility for what is here, not wanting to stand one and equal with what is here and not wanting to accept what is here as me but rather wanting to escape and run away to something apparently ‘better’ – and so existing in ‘hope’ as a ‘feeling’ that’s like a constant longing for something ‘better’ and ‘more’ and a rejection of what is here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the word hope by just allowing it to define me and just allowing myself to live this world without awareness or self-responsibility for who I am in relation to this world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live the word hope instead of seeing and realizing that it is not what is best for me in and as oneness and equality – because whats best for me is to accept what is here and stand one and equal with it in and as self-responsibility and so not exist in a point of escapism – but to actually take responsibility to direct what is here – where if anything if hope were a real practical living word it would mean to actually take responsibility for what is here and accept things as they are and then direct them toward the best outcome for all – which is not a point of escapism but more a point of assertiveness, wherein I don’t need ‘hope’ as a feeling

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to live the word assertiveness rather than the word ‘hope’ – as in to take responsibility for what is here and accept what is here and to stand up and take charge and direct what is here towards an outcome that’s best for all

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that living in and as the word hope only disempowers me in relation to reality as I am not accepting reality as it is and I am trying to escape, which is effectively impossible, so I end up just sort of generating and participating in feeling energy to create the illusion that I can ‘escape’, while really I’m just preoccupying my awareness so that I would be blinded and just wouldn’t be faced with or see directly what is here as reality, even though it’s still right here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to choose to be blind and choose to not see directly what is here in and as reality by existing in and as hope as escapism – instead of just accepting that what is here is ‘me’ as ‘reality’, and that it just ‘is what it is’ and the only thing that’s going to ‘make it go away’ or ‘make it better’ is if I take charge and be assertive and actually take it upon myself to direct what is here

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to simply accept what is here as reality and actually MAKE it better and MAKE it work, and be ASSERTIVE – realizing and understanding that there is no ‘escape’, that this is it, this is all there is and this is all I’ve got, so I need to be the directive principle of what is here rather than going into escapism in the mind within and as the word ‘hope’ and the polarity of ‘hope’ and ‘hopeless’, and essentially stop playing energy games with myself in the mind and get real with myself and start trusting myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to basically wait until things get to a point where I am forced to stand up and take action and forced to be ‘assertive’, where at that point usually it will be driven by fear of survival --- instead of seeing and realizing and understanding that I should have already stood and I should have already been assertive and directing reality

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that the word ‘hope’, along with ‘hopeless’, isn’t actually a living word – as in it is not something that can be practically physically lived as it is purely a placement holder for energy in the mind in and as the programming of escapism – and that a word that WOULD be practical as a living word is ASSERTIVENESS and DIRECTIVENESS, which in a way is hope made practical, as in not just waiting  for something better to ‘come along’ or pretending that there is something else or something better than what’s here, but actually CREATING something better through directing what is here and taking direct responsibility for what is here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be programmed through living the word ‘hope’, to exist within escapism from reality as a desire to ‘get away’ from everything that is here and to have something that’s ‘better’ and look for something ‘better’ and to not in any way actually take reality  in my own hands and realize my responsibility
For what is here as reality and to direct reality

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to take responsibility for the word hope within myself as the programming of escapism and to actually direct this word within myself and realize and see and understand that it is not who I really am as life in and as oneness and equality because it is simply not best for all as me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the word hope as a placement holder for a ‘feeling’ connected with a want to escape and a resistance to take responsibility for or accept reality as it is, to exist within and as me

So I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to take responsibility for the words that I live within and as me as what I accept and allow within and as me

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that to exist in ‘hope’ is to say that ‘things are out of my hands’ and that ‘I cannot direct reality’, that all I can do is just sit and wait and ‘want’ for things to be different – and so exist in a polarity within myself of hope vs hopeless, both of which are based within a belief that I am powerless in relation to reality --- instead of seeing and realizing and understanding that in fact I am not powerless, and that I just need to accept reality as it is and look at what I can do to direct reality towards the best outcome for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within and as the belief that ‘things are out of my hands’ and that ‘I cannot direct reality’ and that ‘I am powerless in relation to reality’ and so the belief that I thus cant do anything but just wait for things to change and get better on their own – and exist in a polarity of hope for the best and fear for the worst as hope and hopelessness

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize and understand that literally EVERYTHING is in my hands and that I have to make the most of the power and ability that I do have in this world and reality to create a world that is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to HOPE for a better world and to HOPE that things will change, while I hold back and exist in a point of ‘waiting’, not really pushing myself or being assertive or directive as I believe that it’s not all in my hands --- instead of doing everything that I can to MAKE SURE that I am creating a world that is best for all, that I am creating a better world and realizing and understanding that it IS all up to me and in my hands to create what I see is best

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to be ASSERTIVE, in terms of SEEING what is best and what it is that I want, and then actually doing everything in my power to make it happen – rather than waiting in HOPE that it will or might one day happen as I believe myself to be ‘powerless’ to do or create anything

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to live ASSERTIVENESS in terms of SEEING what it is that I want to create and then just DOING it, just making it happen – not listening or giving in to reasons or excuses for why I cannot or why it’s impossible or whatever, but just making it happen one way or the other

When and as I see myself existing in and as the word ‘hope’ as a point of waiting and wishing and wanting for reality to change and become better, while actually existing within and as a belief that I am powerless or don’t know what to do or cant do anything, then I stop and I breathe, and I see and realize and understand that I have come to accept and allow myself to live the word ‘hope’ in and as the mind because I’ve never taken responsibility for the words that I am living

I see and realize and understand that hope is the programming of escapism as a resistance to accept reality as it is and take responsibility for it and stand one and equal with it and wishing and wanting things to change and be different

I see and realize and understand that within the word ‘hope’ I basically accept the belief that I am ‘powerless’ to do anything in this world and reality as I exist within a point of just wanting things to change but not actually doing something about it because at the same time I am rejecting the reality that is here by not accepting it and not standing one and equal with it and not wanting to take responsibility for it

 i see and realize and understand that hope is not actually a living word as it only exists in and as energy in the mind in separation of life as the physical

I commit myself to live assertiveness instead of hope, in terms of simply seeing what is best and CREATING it and DOING what it takes to create it, taking reality in my hands and realizing that it IS in my hands and so creating what it is that i see is best

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