Monday, January 20, 2020

Who am I?

This is a continuation of my previous post "I'm the Best Slave"

My whole life I've been petrified of being 'wrong' in any way. It mostly started, and probably originated actually, in school. Where I would watch the 'bad kids', which were basically just the ones who didn't one hundred percent 'behave', get humiliated and scolded and punished by the 'teachers'. And I just remember feeling sorry for them and thinking, "I don't EVER want to be in that position!" "I don't ever want to be the 'wrong' one or the 'bad' one, who gets all the shit rained down on them".

I was just absolutely freaking PETRIFIED of what I saw those teachers do to those 'poor kids'. It was horrifying sometimes. Just the DELIBERATE things they would do. Like saying and doing things that were clearly intended to make the children 'feel bad'. Not just bad, feel 'horrible' actually. Feel small and insignificant and humiliated and embarrassed. And I just was really, really afraid of that. To have that 'wrath of the Gods' lol come down on me. And they did seem to be 'Gods' back then.

There are maybe one or two teachers that I can recall who didn't have that 'mean side' to them. Out of maybe the forty that I've known, growing up. And I mean, that's fucking sad. But anyways, I've basically since then I guess been living with this petrifying fear of being 'wrong' or 'bad'. Like a 'I will almost pass out' kind of fear lol.

And the thing with this fear is that, oftentimes I can't actually 'know' whether I'm 'wrong' or not. In school it was easy cause you just had to behave a certain way and do certain things. Sort of just 'keep your head down'. But like, what about on an existential level?? How can I possibly KNOW whether I'm 'doing the right thing'? Cause I got no one on the side line telling me that I'm 'doing great' or sort of saying like 'yeah this is good' or 'this is bad' or 'this is right' and 'this is wrong'. And that's where the fear of being 'wrong' can be OVERWHELMING lol. Cause, since there's no specific 'parameters' or 'markers' in terms of what exactly is 'wrong' or 'right', that fear sort of has all the freedom to just spin out into eternity.

But then this is just the 'disease' of self-interest isn't it? Of 'consciousness'. To be 'interested' in 'one-self' and the 'who', 'what' and 'how' you 'are'. Looking for those 'definitions' making up the 'who am I'. To be 'conscious' of 'oneself'. Cause that's basically what this is. Being 'self-conscious'. But, I mean at the end of the day it's all just fear. Or in my case a PETRIFICATION, programmed during childhood. So even though it's all about 'who I am', it's not actually who I really am. It's just a 'program' of 'thinking' based on FEAR.

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